Website Redesign

All City Graphix’s Website Redesign Service is a comprehensive solution for businesses looking to refresh their online presence. Our team of expert designers and developers works closely with clients to understand their needs and create a custom redesign strategy that aligns with their business goals. Our Website Redesign Service includes everything from UX/UI design and development to content migration and optimization, ensuring that our clients have a website that is visually appealing, user-friendly, and optimized for conversions.

Website Design for Bronx Business

Hire a Website Redesign Expert

A company’s website is often the first point of contact for potential customers, partners, and investors. A well-designed website can create a positive impression and help establish credibility, while a poorly designed website can have the opposite effect. Here are some key reasons why a company should consider redesigning your website:

Improve User Experience: A website redesign can help improve the user experience by making the site easier to navigate, improving page load times, and making the site more visually appealing. An improved user experience can help keep visitors on the site longer and increase the chances that they will convert into customers.

Stay Up-to-Date with Technology: Technology changes rapidly, and a website that was designed a few years ago may not be optimized for today’s devices and browsers. Redesigning a website can help ensure that it is optimized for mobile devices, has a responsive design, and is compatible with the latest browsers.

Rebranding or Repositioning: A company may need to redesign its website if they have undergone a rebranding or is repositioning themselves in the market. A redesigned website can help reflect the company’s new branding or positioning and create a cohesive brand image across all marketing channels.

Better SEO: A website redesign can also help improve search engine optimization (SEO). A redesigned website can be optimized for relevant keywords, have a clearer site structure, and have better meta descriptions and tags, all of which can help improve search engine rankings and increase organic traffic.

Competitive Edge: A well-designed website can help a company stand out from its competitors. By incorporating the latest design trends, a redesigned website can help a company differentiate itself from its competitors and create a unique brand image.

In conclusion, a website redesign can provide numerous benefits to a company, including improved user experience, better SEO, staying up-to-date with technology, rebranding, and a competitive edge. As a web design agency, it’s important to educate your clients on the importance of website redesigns and the potential benefits it can provide to their business.

Custom Website Design

Custom website redesign is the process of creating a website that is unique and tailored to a company’s specific needs and goals. Unlike pre-designed templates or themes, custom website design provides the flexibility to create a site that is perfectly aligned with a company’s brand image, messaging, and user experience requirements.

Here are some key benefits of custom website redesign:

Unique Design: Custom website design allows a company to stand out from its competitors by creating a unique design that is tailored to its brand and messaging. This helps create a memorable brand image that resonates with the target audience and creates a lasting impression.

Tailored User Experience: Custom website design enables a company to design a site that provides a seamless and tailored user experience. By understanding the user’s needs and behavior, a custom website can be designed to optimize the user journey, from the first visit to conversion.

Scalability: Custom website design provides the flexibility to scale the site as the company grows. This means that the site can be easily updated and expanded as the company’s needs change, without having to go through a complete redesign.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO): A custom website can be optimized for search engines to improve its ranking and visibility. This means that the site can be designed with a clear site structure, optimized content, and relevant keywords, which can help improve its search engine rankings and drive organic traffic.

Integration: Custom website design allows for the integration of third-party tools and applications, such as CRM, email marketing, and social media platforms. This means that the site can be designed to support the company’s existing tools and workflows, which can help streamline business operations.

In conclusion, custom website redesign provides numerous benefits to companies, including a unique design, tailored user experience, scalability, SEO, and integration with third-party tools. As a web design agency specializing in custom website design, it’s important to communicate these benefits to clients and help them understand the value of investing in a custom website design.

Template Website ReDesign

Template-based website redesign involves updating an existing website by using a pre-designed template or theme. This can be an attractive option for companies that want to refresh their website’s look and feel without investing in a complete custom redesign.

Here are some key benefits of template-based website redesign:

Cost-Effective: Template-based website redesign can be a cost-effective option for companies that want to refresh their website without investing in a complete custom redesign. Pre-designed templates are usually less expensive than custom designs, which can help keep the redesign project within budget.

Quick Turnaround: Template-based website redesign can be completed quickly since pre-designed templates are readily available. This means that a company can refresh its website’s look and feel in a short amount of time, which can help improve the site’s performance and user experience.

Easy to Use: Pre-designed templates are usually user-friendly and easy to navigate. This means that a company can easily update its website’s content, images, and other elements without having to rely on a web designer or developer.

Tested and Proven: Pre-designed templates are usually tested and proven to be effective in terms of user experience, conversion rates, and search engine optimization. This means that a company can be confident that its website will perform well and meet its business goals.

Responsive Design: Most pre-designed templates are responsive, which means that they are optimized for mobile devices. This is important since a growing number of website visitors access websites on their mobile devices, and having a mobile-friendly website can improve user experience and search engine rankings.

In conclusion, a template-based website redesign can be a cost-effective and quick way for companies to refresh their website’s look and feel. However, it’s important to note that pre-designed templates may not be as unique or tailored to a company’s brand and messaging as a custom design. As a web design agency, it’s important to help clients understand the pros and cons of both options and make an informed decision based on their specific needs and goals.



Why Choose Us

Passion. Innovative. Forward Thinking.

Years of Experience

We have been in business for over 15 years. Working with so many companies in different industries, we understand what it takes to help your business grow. We never stop learning to continue to offer modern cutting technology and effective digital marketing strategies

We Listen to your Needs

Your needs and goals are always our priority. In our discovery meeting, we uncover your challenges, understand your process, and identify your target audience. This will allow us to create custom solutions to better align with your goals.

Proactive Communication

Communication is key in every relationship.  We host weekly meetings with our clients to discuss progress and goals.  This approach has created a strong relationship, build reassurance, and make them feel part of the progress. 

Continued Support

Once your project is completed does not mean we disappear.  We continue to provide you support with our monthly maintenance packages or our consulting services to help you keep aligned with your goals. We offer a wide range of services like brand development, ad design, & digital marketing.


Non-Profit Organization






Restaurant / Lounge

Goals for your Website Redesign 

When a business decides to redesign its website, it is essential to have clear goals in mind to ensure that the redesign will meet the needs of the company and its customers. Here are some common goals that businesses should consider when redesigning their website:

  1. Improve user experience: A website should be easy to use, navigate and find relevant information. Improving the user experience (UX) is an essential goal when redesigning a website. This could involve improving site speed, simplifying the navigation structure, or making the site more visually appealing.
  2. Increase conversions: A business website is designed to convert visitors into customers. Redesigning the website should be aimed at increasing the conversion rate. This could involve improving the layout, design, and functionality of the website to make it easier for visitors to complete desired actions such as making a purchase, filling out a form, or subscribing to a newsletter.
  3. Enhance search engine visibility: Having a website that is easy for search engines to crawl and index can help improve visibility in search results. A website redesign should aim to improve the website’s search engine optimization (SEO) by optimizing content, metadata, and other technical elements.
  4. Establish credibility: A website is often the first point of contact between a business and potential customers. A professional-looking website can help establish credibility and trustworthiness. Redesigning the website should aim to create a positive first impression and instill confidence in visitors.
  5. Incorporate responsive design: With more and more people accessing the internet on mobile devices, a website redesign should incorporate responsive design to ensure that the website looks and works well on all screen sizes.
  6. Improve content strategy: Redesigning a website provides an opportunity to review and improve the content strategy. This could involve updating outdated content, creating new content, and ensuring that the content aligns with the company’s goals and objectives.
  7. Simplify website management: A website redesign should aim to make the website easier to manage and update. This could involve using a content management system (CMS) or simplifying the website’s structure and design to make updates quicker and easier to implement.

I have been in business for many years and worked with many IT persons as well as web developers. Let me just say, simply, Alex and his team is by far THE BEST!



Erol Linguori
Zona De Cuba – Owner

I've worked with Alex on more than one occasion, and he always provides great service and insight. Very prompt, and pays great attention to detail.



Omar Rosario
Rosario Tax Pro – Owner

Alex Betancourt is a creative genius. His innovative marketing strategies has helped me scale my business to become a leader in my industry.



Ahmed Hamadeh
Zomo America – Owner


Our Process


In the Discovery phase, our team works with you to gather information about their business goals, target audience, and design preferences. We conduct interviews, surveys, and research to understand your needs and objectives thoroughly. This stage sets the foundation for the rest of the project, and it is critical to get it right.


Once we gather all the necessary information, we move on to the Solution phase. In this stage, our team brainstorms ideas, develops strategies, and creates a plan that addresses the client’s specific needs. We also create wireframes or prototypes to give the client an idea of the final product.


With a plan in place, it’s time to start creating content. This stage involves writing copy, designing graphics, and producing any other materials that will be used on the website. It’s important to ensure that the content is engaging, informative, and relevant to the client’s target audience.


In the Design phase, our team takes the content and creates a visual design for the website. This involves selecting a color scheme, choosing fonts, and creating a layout that is aesthetically pleasing and easy to navigate. Our team may also create custom graphics or animations to enhance the user experience.


With the design approved, it’s time to move on to Development. In this stage, our team of developers brings the design to life using coding languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. They may also integrate any necessary third-party tools or plugins to enhance the functionality of the website.


Finally, it’s time to Launch the website. This involves testing the site for functionality and compatibility across various devices and browsers. Once the site is deemed ready, it can be deployed to the client’s server and made live for the world to see.

In conclusion, our agency’s process is a comprehensive and thorough approach to web design. By following these six stages, you can ensure that our clients receive high-quality, tailored websites that meet their specific needs and objectives.


Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to design a website?

The cost of a website varies on the number of pages, special features, and what goals you want to achieve with the website.  Before your meeting with us, we advise writing the number of pages needed, the goals you want to accomplish, and your budget.  This will help us decide the cost to complete your website.

Will you maintain my website for me?

Yes.  We offer maintenance packages that will keep your website up to date.  

Will my website be mobie friendly?

Yes.  Every website we develop is mobile-friendly.  You will be able to view the website on mobile and tablet devices. 

How long does it take to complete a website?

The amount of time to complete a website varies on the number of pages and special features. On average we advise our clients that it can take between 3-6 months to finalize.  

Who will host my website?

We recommend a couple of hosting companies that provide quality customer service, high speed, and reliability.  We will provide you with a list before we are ready to launch your website.

Can I update the website myself once it’s built?

Yes, you can update the website yourself.  If you are educated in working with WordPress, Html, CSS, and Javascript then you can update the website yourself.  We advise giving these responsibilities to our company to eliminate the risk of downtime.  


We would love to hear about your business, and the challenges you are facing and we will create solutions to elevate your business closer to your goals.